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Are backlinks really valuable.

You might have heard about backlink on Internet. Backlink is a very popular topic among internet discussion forum and blogger, most of the discussions online are dedicated to discussion of backlinks, seo, reverse links, do follow, no follow etc. Here my discussion point would also be the same, but in a little different direction.
I am not here to tell you methods of building links, neither i would suggest you how to get traffic. I am here trying to discuss that whether backlinks are really relevant to bring traffic. Just think it this way, google initially said that backlinks are a good way to count the popularity of a webpage. But the most important factor here is that they are a good method but only if they follow a principle of relevance. Popularity of a page is irrelevant if their contents are not related. You may say that linked contents must be relevant to each other, or else why would somebody link to it. But take my word, just to get an edge over other businesses many websites have collected backlinks that are really irrelevant to each other, that's a truth.
Main philosophy of google search engine is that if a person has wrote about something and feels that someone else has written something about the same thing that has more value or information that this guy's content then this guy must link to that article. Now just imagine, is that possible? Would you give away your audience to others for free? that is just an impractical thought, no body would do it. And if you give your business to others for money then again google will punish you. So this becomes a vicious circle.
Now again let us discuss about relevance, how can you measure how relevant a topic is to any other article or topic. For example, if somebody had written an article about Monuments in India and linked a document that discusses politics of India, then the robot may think that these two contents are interrelated, but are they really interrelated to each other? The straight answer is no, Whatever logic you give to prove that they are interrelated is just to fool yourself.
So let us understand it very clearly backlinks were having great value in past due to google's popularity but they are not a natural way to mine out some valuable information. They were also artificial just as any other technology. With the advent of web 2.0 since now people may also post links and contents like on Facebook, the link theory is weakening day by day. The simple reason is because it is not just it is not best, This principle don't follows everywhere so it also has a limitation and will fall someday, may be it is already falling.
Some new methods to mine out information from internet may erupt out in future.